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View Full Version : Mark II valuation

Barry Wolk
09-29-2023, 08:17 AM

We've been told, over and over, that there's a legitimate means of putting a value on a Mark II without seeing it in person. I don't think there's a way, but I'm willing to listen, but every single time I ask I'm told that the methods are based on well-know statistical data in a completely different field, but they have never been posted. Would a Gemologist worth his salt give a diamond evaluation from photos, or Fine Art appraisers, or home inspectors? Of course not, so why does the opinion of a person trained in a completely different field get to be a Market Maker here? Shouldn't any valuation be based on first-hand information? Would you let your Proctologist advise you on your stock portfolio? I think not.

Shelly has reigned in posts for products endorsed, but never tested. He's made an an edict that a poster must have some knowledge of how things work before making suggestion on their repair procedure. Opinions are not facts if they have no basis in fact. We should not be market-makers here. That's the job of the buyer and seller. In fact, if an unfounded valuation is made a seller can sue if they've been financially damaged, or their reputation is damaged due to unfounded remarks and rumor-mongering.

It's fine to report trends here, not make them.