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Thread: A/C amount Freon - 3745

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    flower mound texas

    Default A/C amount Freon - 3745

    I have a 157 continental Markll with factory air. Can anyone tell me the number of ounces of R-12 it holds . Most cars today take 2 12 oz cans of r-134. I have installed 4 cans of R-12 and it gets cold .The gags show the low side pressure 30 the high side 200 in 95 degree heat here in Kansas. The problem it takes too long to get cold ,so I feel I do not have enough R-12 .and do not want to overcharge. can anybody give me that information and any other advice I should know.

    This is the first time I have sent in a thresd,i guess that is the right terminology.

    Thanks Donald F Lett
    Last edited by Pat Marshall; 04-10-2023 at 07:18 AM.
    Donald Lett

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2009
    Wayne, NJ


    The manual states 6 1/2 pounds.
    Nick DeSpirito


  3. #3
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    Aug 2010
    Utica, NY


    Unless 57's are different than 56's there is a sight glass in the trunk that should be free of bubbles when the system is full and turned on.
    Matt Cashion

  4. #4
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    Oct 2013
    flower mound texas


    Yes you are right and I appreciate your response. the problem with the sight glass because of the age of the sight glass you cannot see Freon or bubbles because of the acclamation of residue over the glass making the Freon or bubbles not visable. so the reason I wanted the quantity was with the unit pumped down I put in 4 cans 48 ounces ,now I could put in the remaining amount that is specified. So I still need the total amount of FREON. If you know someone in the forum that knows I would appreciate there names and how to contact them.
    Donald f Lett

    Donald Lett
    Donald Lett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2013
    flower mound texas


    I am new to forum and have never communicated with anyone . after just sensing a note I seen where I had 3 responses .so I clicked and founf the answer again I thanks because of your answer I now know it is 61/2 pounds.

    Donald f Lett
    Donald Lett

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Yellow Springs, OH


    Kewl! And welcome. That's really the key: one you pose the question, then check back to read the replies... Good luck. John
    John Snoddy

  7. #7
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    Aug 2009
    Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada


    The amount indicated on the back was 6.5 lbs but if R134 is used it is 70-80% of this amount. Yes I have found slightly less was also able to be used as before it was determined actually how much was required in the early nineties when it came out and people assumed you charged an R12 system with 134A the same which was not the case because if this was done IE charging till the glass was clear then you were overcharged. Quite often when the happy amount of 134 wasn't known I had to use a thermometer on the evaporator discharge with the engine at fast idle or if it was off road equipment high idle with the blowers on max and slowly charge until the temperature quit dropping which would indicate maximum efficiency and of course if one was "day dreaming" or neglected to shut off the refrigerant entering the system, the temperature would start to rise. This is how I discovered that some systems would work great with as low as 70% 134vs 100%R12. Sorry for the slight off topic re. 134vsR12 but typically the R12 was until the sight glass was clear and then an additional 1/2 to 1 lb of Freon depending on how large the receiver drier/accumulator is and in the case of the Mark II this drier is massive and is located under the passenger side floorboards. It is massive unless a smaller universal fit or aftermarket drier was installed. The sight glass being covered with a film is not the best indicating a bit of a dirty system but perhaps a very bright light will let you see. Going by pressure also works in a pinch and this is where a pressure chart or the indications on some guages are used IE the higher the outside temperature the higher the pressures of both the low and high side. Also a restricted condenser located infront of the radiator or a restricted radiator blocked with insects can cause the pressures to be too high with poor cooling.
    And by the way DID YOU CHECK THE OIL LEVEL IN THE COMPRESSOR THROUGH THE SITEGLASS?? This is located on the bottom side of the compressor and when not running you should see oil in the crankcase of the compressor. A very common mistake which was done on my car when it was recharged with insufficient oil and the damn compressor burned out before I bought mine and try to find parts for an HH Techumseh because I do believe the last year they were manufactured was 1957 and parts are nearly extinct resulting in compressors being parted out!! Also another thing I forgot to mention is the 1957 didn't have this oil level site glass unless an earlier one was installed or a later one installed in a 56. Typically the oil circulates with the freon and if you have a leak the oil escapes with the freon and areas where there are leaks quite often have signs of oil such as fitting/hose connections and the front seal of the compressor. As for the cloudy or dirty sight glass and the oil level, if in doubt use a recovery unit and recover all of the valuable R12 and clean the rear sight glass and check the compressor and if you go this rought drain the oil in the compressor and refill with fresh oil. Consider getting your drier reconditioned as well where they cut it open and replace the moisture absorbing desicant because other than dirt and lack of lubrication, moisture is an enemy of an AC system because water combined with R12 creates an acid not to mention freezing and restricting the Thermal Expansion Valve. BTW a restricted or defective expansion valve will give you low to negative pressure on the low side and poor cooling showing a clear sight glass but low pressures typically low to negative on the low and lower pressures on the high. This restriction can be the result of the desicant breaking down or the small bag containing it rupturing and the desicant circulating through the system and ending up in the expansion valve. A lot of times a small screen was inserted in this valve to catch contamination and would require cleaning. If you choose not to recondition the drier a smaller aftermarket one can be installed but of course depending on how small or large it is will create a reduction in the amount of the R12. Slide under the car and check. If it is the large OEM tank underneath throw in another 2 to 2 1/2 cans to give you 6 to 6 1/2 lbs. 4 lbs is not enough for such a large system.
    Two-Tone 05/16
    1950 Mercury Sedan

  8. #8
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    Aug 2010
    Utica, NY


    On the subject of the sight glass--- Mine leaks and some time ago I tried to get it out and apart to reseal it. I was unable to get the nuts on the lines connected to the sight glass assembly to loosen with two large open end wrenches. Not wanting to break the sight glass assembly or damage the nuts I stopped trying. That's where I stand at this time. If someone has encountered this problem and has any suggestions how to get the line nuts to release I'm all ears.
    Matt Cashion

  9. #9
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    Aug 2009
    Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada


    Possibly a bit of heat on the flare nuts might persuade them and if worried about the glass I would warm up the whole assembly with a hair drier or a heat gun on low at a distance to reduce thermal shock. Once warmed up give these nuts a quick flash of heat and try the wrenches again and oh by the way use flare nut wrenches. They are a box end style with a slot to allow the tube to pass through. In severe cases I used vice grips clamped on flare nut wrenches to keep them from spreading but later invested in Snap-On which are superior and a six point wrench. Also place the wrenches slightly apart and squeeze them both together with one hand to prevent bending, and twisting lines or components. If the nuts are even seized to the lines such as the case of rusted brake lines I have heated up the flare nut until it started to glow slightly and broke the rusted brake line nuts loose using a cheap wrench that I didn't care if the heat damaged it and breaking it loose this way saved me from lines twisting off especially if you can't find one right away or want to use the old for an exact pattern. Once they broke loose I would rapidly rock the wrench back and forth while hot to insure they would stay loose after the cool down with penetrating oil used. If I reused the lines I would paint or spray with spray grease or undercoating to stop additional rust on these lines and in the case of the refrigerant lines this wouldn't hurt underneath if rusted. Much kinder to these fittings.are the flare nut wrenches and If you want a sight glass that is miserable to find, try the one on your compressor! Years ago the bananas that shoddily attempted to rebuild mine used a damn sand blaster and were tooooooo lazy and stupid to cover the glass and it was pretty much ruined. Painting it would have been easier to deal with. A leak is certainly no good and has to be solved. I never believed in recharging to limp it along for a month or two especially now with the regulations and price of refrigerant in some locations.
    Last edited by Don Henschel; 12-16-2017 at 01:50 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Aug 2009
    Rosthern, Saskatchewan, Canada


    What I will do next is go to a refrigeration supply and see if I can match up a site glass as they are often used on commercial systems and are replaceable with seals. I purchased an HH off of ePay years ago not realizing there were variations of these while still marked HH! The one I got If my memory serves correct was from a Studebaker according to Vintage Air and they mentioned the site glass was horrible to find. As it ended up this mystery HH Techumseh was like brand new inside and I never had the heart to part it out. It has a much better design clutch than what the Mark uses with a magnet bolted to the compressor instead of the brush style. It is complete but suffered rust damage. If your seals are worn out you can probably ubtain some from the same type of supplier in your location.

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