It's obvious now that with computers, smart phones, Internet, Craigslist, EBAY, etc, etc, etc, we have hugely broadened our search areas for vehicles. All vehicles, not just Mark II's! Not so long ago we would check local paper classifieds, local Autotrader type magazines, etc, and that was pretty much our limit, generally a short drive.

But now we are finding vehicles much further away, which to a certain person may be a good deal and what they have been looking for, and therefore worth the drive to get it.

The problem is it may be a long expensive drive/flight to go check out a "VERY SOLID, ALL ORIGINAL, COMPLETE" car just to find out it's mostly bondo, with bad paint and to top it off missing all the trim... Then to start the search all over again and make another road trip. Yes I'm speaking from experience.

This is a pretty close knit forum, which is the only reason I suggest this.

How about we start a "Any body in ________ Area willing to do me a favor?"

For example I might be looking at a car in Detroit, and I'm 8 hrs away. It's a pretty big gamble to load up truck and trailer, drive there to look at the bondo bucket, and come all the way home empty handed when Joe Schmoe lives 5 miles away and could've checked it out for me!!! Someone I trust and know he knows a thing or two about cars...

With that said, If anyone here wants something looked at within reason of my place in central Wisconsin, I'd be happy to check it out. Cars, motorcycles, whatever. It would give me something to do!!

And yes I am considering a car in Detroit...