so i am in the middle or the restoration of 3095 and have run in to a problem the hood springs are gone and some jackass put a prop rod on the car. the Hood is very hard to open with out the springs. I have talked to a number of people who rebuild the hinges but wont except the cores without springs.

my plan is to have some springs made but i do not have one to get the details i need to have this done.

this is the company's web sight i am going to try using

Guide to Measuring Extension Springs
Thank you for choosing W.B. Jones as your spring resource. In this guide, we will be covering how to measure extension springs.

Tools we recommend you have before you start are:

A micrometer, which should be used whenever possible
A ruler or tape measure for large springs
Watch this video on how to measure.

Measure the wire diameter.

We recommend that you measure the wire diameter in two different spots using a micrometer and take the average. This will allow for precise readings and accurate ordering.

For this spring, the wire diameter is .092 inches.

Measure the outside diameter.

This is commonly referred to as ?OD?. When possible, you should measure for the oustide diameter in the middle of the spring because the end coils tend to run large.

The ?OD? of this spring is .867 inches.

Measure the body length.

The body of an extension spring is considered the coiled portion. It does not include the hooks or loops. For this spring we?ll use a ruler, but for smaller springs using calipers or a micrometer is the best option.

For this spring the body length is 4.791 inches.

You can also provide the number of coils when using our online form. Remember to count each full rotation.

Measure the overall length of the spring.

This is the length over the top of each end or outside to outside.

The overall length of this spring is 6.055 inches long.

any help on this would be great or if anyone is in the middle of a resturation and could loan me one of there springs for a bit that would be awesome.

Thank you

Pats Body Shop