Working on classic cars has always been a passion of mine. The dream car, the trailer queen, the rust bucket, or the daily driver, I can appreciate them all. My dream car was a 1969 Camaro Pace Car. Acquired it, restored it, drove it, owned it.
My fathers dream car was The Continental Mark II. He saw one, brand new, on the showroom floor and talked about it for years. Throughout my life I heard stories about this grand automobile. Unfortunately, he passed away in 2003. I sold my Pace Car and decided to pursue a Mark II. Intimidated by the stories of being "hand built, dyno-tested, only for the elite" and countless other myths, I purchased my first Continental Mark II, as a tribute to my father.

What's the point of all this you might ask?
A car collector friend heard of what I had found and made sure that I contacted Barry Wolk. From the very first time we met Barry has repeatedly proven to be the proverbial fountain of knowledge. We all have a valuable resource at our fingertips, Barry. Ask a question and more times than not, Barry Wolk will give his input. You may not always like what he has to say, but you can't argue with experience. Anytime that I have a question or concern I'll look at the forum for answers. Not there, contact Mr. Wolk. My fears and trepidation have long disappeared thanks to the insight he has provided me. He has often quoted that the Continental Mark II "Is just a car" like any other. Once again, he is correct. His findings are terrific and the fact that he is willing to share them is incredible.
I for one am very grateful that I have the privilege to be associated with Barry Wolk.
He has ALWAYS been there on numerous occasions. If not immediately, shortly thereafter.

Thanks again Barry for all you do and continue to do for the hobby.

George C Calvet