One exotic that comes to mind is Cunningham. In his 1953 Cunningham C-3 used an Italian body and a Cadillac or Hemi drive train. Dual-Ghia comes to mind as another Italian body with American inner workings. Help me make of list in the attempt to normalize a low production car with a major manufacturer drive train. There are a number of example of '50s drive trains in limited production cars, world wide. Many were sold through US dealers.

I'm trying to figure out a way to make people understand that the fact that the Continental was powered by Lincoln and sold at a Lincoln dealership doesn't make it a Lincoln just as the name of the Continental Motor Company isn't in any of the 1930s 200+ boutique manufacturers names of their cars, except the short-lived line of their own in 1933-34.

Maybe the should have sold them through the broader Ford dealer network, as they are actually more Ford Continentals than Lincoln Continentals.

Names and dates, please. Pictures if you have them.